
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Arriving in a country marked by communism and still reeling from the effects…it’s not something I was planning on experiencing on the race. When we were told that Albania was next, we had a handful of days to prepare. Now we’ve been here a week and I have already seen so much that I never thought I would on this trip. Over 60% of Albanians are Muslim. Religion was not even allowed prior to 1991. Although it has been 30 years since communism reigned, I have heard over and over since arriving here of what a miracle it is that we get to be here and share Jesus with the Albanians. 

I’ve struggled the whole race with sharing messages and testimonies in front of people. Oftentimes on the race we have to get up in front of churches or groups and share something, anything. People just want to hear what we have to say. As someone who really hates getting in front of crowds, I’ve struggled with this every single month. But I’ve really gotten some perspective being in Eastern Europe. A woman at church on Sunday shared how it is miraculous that we were allowed into the country. Missionaries never were allowed. This is post-communism so it’s different now – but most people here don’t have the opportunity to travel, leave their country, experience what we have experienced…etc. And now I get it. They want to experience what we have. They want to hear of our stories and learn from us. Who am I to go on this incredible journey and not share it with the people I’m supposed to be ministering to? God is doing BIG THINGS. He’s moved all across Central America and why should I be hesitant to share that with people?

There have been a lot of changes. Not just since being rerouted, or having a new team, but on the race in general. Every time I think I am getting better at change, I’m unpleasantly surprised and feel like I’m back at square one when another change hits. The most recent changes have had me struggling, and as I read the blog posts of my squad mates I see similar patterns of struggles that have appeared since moving to Albania. Requesting prayer, being vulnerable and sharing the difficulties of the race… I see it across my squad and I want to share that I resonate with them. We are 5 months in and getting tired. We need time with our Lord DAILY to be filled up enough to do ministry, and we need Shebat each week to receive rest.

But the further in I get, the more I see that this trip is not in vain. Something our host in Nicaragua shared with us last month was that she didn’t care if she was a “crazy Jesus lady” because that’s the purpose of life. She said, “It might be too much for some people, but who am I to rob people of the opportunity to hear about the Savior of the world? He is my joy and my passion, and I don’t care if I sound crazy.”

That has stuck with me the past few weeks. I have been hesitant about the words I speak and my actions since arriving in a new place, especially one that is within the 10/40 window and has a high muslim population. But I have been reminded many times recently that the words we speak are important and our message is much more important than we are.

Pastor Bob, a pastor I highly respect, know, and love recently passed away. As I just finished watching a sermon he spoke years ago, he reminded me of the perspective of eternity. He said “Live Backwards.” This is referring to picturing your own memorial service, who is there, and what you’d want them to say about you. Live that way today. Create space for the destiny that the Lord has for you. Prepare yourself for eternity and live with the mindset that you have the mystery that so many people are searching for. Who are we to rob these people of the treasures of the Kingdom? No one is worthy – but since we have been called…it is our responsibility. God never promised an easy life or a comfortable life. I challenge you to get uncomfortable. Share Jesus. It doesn’t matter what country we are in. Maybe it took me coming to Albania to see this clearly, but it doesn’t have to be that way for everyone. We all have a calling to share Jesus. We don’t have to save people. We just need to love them the way Jesus does.

Pray for this squad to find strength in running their race. And I’m not talking about the World Race. I’m talking about fighting the good fight that is L I F E. Life with God. Life as a follower of Christ. For anyone that considers themselves a Christian, this verse is for you.


Philippians 1:21-26

 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again.”


I don’t know how to express this message in a way that helps it sink in. I’ve read these verses a hundred times in my life but now they are sinking in. We are Called. And God equips us. Let’s get excited for whatever that means. Our time here is so short. So, so short. When I die and run into my Father’s arms I want to know that I’ve fought the good fight. So I’m going to do that starting now. Not tomorrow, or next month, or when I get back to America eventually. Today. Where your feet are is where your ministry is. Please think about what that means. Let’s get to it.

 This is my first blog on the field that doesn’t have photos. I just don’t want any distractions from the message and importance of giving our all for Jesus. <3

7 responses to “Raw Thoughts from Albania”

  1. Jessie Thanks for your honesty and the lessons that God is teaching you.
    It’s true we must be ready to give an account to anyone who asks the hope that is within you.
    God bless you and your team

  2. “When I die and run into my Father’s arms I want to know that I’ve fought the good fight. So I’m going to do that starting now. Not tomorrow, or next month, or when I get back to America eventually. Today.”

    Just beautiful! Awesome how the Lord is teaching you and bringing together scripture, words of wisdom, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit on your heart. Thank you for sharing and encouraging dear one!

  3. This is beautiful, Jesse. Just as the Lord has given you eyes to see through a camera lens and capture the beauty, goodness and presence of the Lord in the world around you, He has also given you eyes to see His Kingdom through the lens of His word and truth. Keep sharing that gift and His love, dear heart!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Jessie. Lots of deep truth here. The “live backwards” concept really stuck with me. We’re praying perseverance and perspective for you, and all of K-Squad.

  5. I want to die knowing I have fought the good fight — this is SO GOOD and so encouraging. Thank you for your courageous words! Forever proud of you.